The Programmers Life


Woke up today feeling weak and moody (Reason still unknown). It’s one of those crazy days you just wanna sit in front of your work-station and have someone bring you breakfast. Unfortunately, I gotta go ‘hustle’ and the boss will be furious at my absence.

Thinking of it makes me feel I am living my life to please the boss but I know damn well that I need the money more than my boss needs my service. That doesn’t mean I don’t like what I do.

I love software development, I love programming, I love to play around codes. Not because I am that smart but mostly because most people are too dumb to understand codes, basic logic and algorithms (if you feel insulted, then you are dumb). These makes me feel like an alienated being (Binary Ninja).

It’s good to do what you love and love what you do. Basically, make money from what you find comfort and  fulfilment in. If you can’t figure out how to make money from your hobby/like, then pay me a token and I can help with the thought process (Getting paid to think: makes sense).

OK people time to round up my module/task for the week. I have been battling with uploading an image to remote REST API via http Post from an ionic/Cordova front end (Mobile version of banking software). Cordova has a plug-in for that but problem is this: The database the web-service consumes is a Sybase ASE and I have no idea how images were saved in it from the desktop application (A robust Banking software). I can design mine to save to the same table but It has to be readable to the desktop application designed with an archaic and unpopular language (Centura) and My mobile App has to interpret the image data from the desktop app to a displayable image. So time to perform some logical magic with codes. Stay Safe


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